
Modern wordmark logo
Modern wordmark logo

modern wordmark logo

Globe Logo Design for Consulting Company, Simple Logo Inspiration from Placeit 3. Whatever the reason, creative logos today embrace simplicity, which makes it easy to scale them up and down and to use them effectively in a variety of contexts. Minimalism and contemporary graphic design have been pretty synonymous, probably because of the digital revolution where simplicity in web design is rewarded by faster page loading times and better visual impact on smaller devices. Minimalism Reigns TwoPeaks Logo, Example of Minimalist Design on Envato Elements Handmade Knits Logo Maker, Modern Luscious Logo Example on Placeit.

modern wordmark logo


And if you’re unsure of how best to use colour, you can find out more about how to use colour successfully by reading 10 Best Logo Colour Schemes & Combinations. When you’re looking for creative yet simple designs, keep your eyes on the way colour is used. Big, Bright, Luscious Colour SpearMedia Logo, an Example of a Bright Coloured Logo on Envato Elementsīright colours have been topping the charts in design for a few years now, so it’s no wonder that they’ve been creeping into logo design. So what can we expect from logo design in 2022? Well, let’s take a look: 1. Then, of course, some of them stick around for a while because we just can’t get enough of them. Trends tend to come and go and come again, albeit with distinctive twists to freshen them up. There’s an old saying, “There’s nothing new under the sun." Well, when it comes to logo design, truer words were never spoken. 4 of the Biggest Modern Logo Design Style Trends of 2022

Modern wordmark logo